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Posts published in “Music”

On singing in metal 4 – The Agonist’s “…and Their Eulogies Sang Me to Sleep”

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I was all prepared to watch this video (which I found on MetalSucks) and then come here and lay into it with a new On Singing In Metal post. It has all the elements of the sort of band that starts off heavy and then interjects with some shit singing section that just doesn’t work or totally feels tacked on or, and this is really the worst, features incredibly bad singing. I maintain that I do not mind singing in metal songs as long as the singing is competent. Here’s what they had going against them:

Female singer? Check.

Song title that is unnecessarily emo? Check.

My prejudice against bands that aren’t clearly heavy as fuck? Check.


We can see what The Agonist had working against them, the primary factor being my completely ridiculous (side note: don’t you hate it when people spell “ridiculous” as “rediculous”?) prejudice against bands that I know nothing about and that have female singers. The only other band that I know that has a female singer that doesn’t lapse into completely horrible bouts of shit singing is Light This City, and I thought that they totally rocked, breaking up before they could really blossom. Am I wrong to judge bands before I hear them? Of course. Is that going to stop me from doing it in the future? Hell no. But, I’m always willing to give them a chance even if I end up thinking they totally blow.

And in this case, I was wrong. All my preconceived notions about what the song would be like based on the first five seconds and the first shot of the female lead singer with her multi-color hair and metal-head-fashionable style (what, no Suffocation t-shirt?) ended up being pretty wrong. And by pretty wrong, I mean totally fucking wrong. Do they lapse into singing? Yes, yes they do at about 1:38, but it’s buried so deeply in the mix beneath some disturbingly righteous demonic wails, pig vocals (!) and death growls that not only does it not stand out as bad, but it kind of feels good. I know. I feel so dirty writing that, but it’s true. Though singing, she doesn’t indulge in the typical Hot Topic-metal waaah waaah waaahs I hate so fucking much. You know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, here’s a perfect example of what I dislike. I also really like the horror movie style choral layer on top of the ripping metal sections. It’s like a cue from black metal without all the totally bullshit theatrics and better integrated into the song. And I swear those harmonized growls are evil enough to make Deicide proud. Pretty great. I’m going to have to pick this record up.

As far as the video goes, Brodsky did good job on what looks like cab fare. Shoot the whole thing in close up as a serious 1-shots of the band playing their instruments against a blank, featureless background? Sure, yeah, no problem. It’s going to cost you 30 bucks. That said, he did a good job with the edit making it feel frenetic, though the reversed footage shit seems kind of cheesy to me, but that might just be because A) I watched it like 8 times while writing this and B) I’m a total fucking dick. Whatever. Major kudos for the last shot though. And I love the guitarist’s intense ass metal faces.

Microsound Composition with Curtis Roads

I am fascinated by the composition of electronic music. There’s something about creating something that can move people from nothing at all. And I really mean nothing. That is, music created from instructions sent by electricity to a piece of metal and plastic that performs calculations and then stored as chunks of magnetically charged bits on a circular piece of plastic. It’s like magic, man.

But, I think it’s important to make a differentiation here. There’s electronic music and then there’s electronic music. The former type is the type you hear on a daily basis, that is regular old music made with electronic instruments and hardware and software synthesizers. That stuff is fine, and I listen to a lot of it. However, that music tends to just be music we’re used to (disco, pop, whatever) made with electronic instrumentation. Nothing wrong with it, but not all that fascinating. There are parts of it that are interesting, little bits of electronic music leaking in, but overall it’s very normal, in the way that Rock and Roll is normal, in the way that Jazz or the Blues or Reggae is normal.

The latter, electronic music, is typically much less listenable fare, but much more artful in its deconstruction of what makes music music. Here the composer plays with a variety of different sounds, sometimes purely synthetic, sometimes real sounds culled from the everyday world. The emphasis is always on pushing what can be done with this relatively new medium of electronically created music, on exploring the boundaries of what can be created. And the technology is here so that the artist is not limited in his ability to create lush, unheard of synthetic soundscapes or sparse, technical droning. That said, these aren’t the types of records you’re putting on your iPod when you go to the gym to do 30 minutes on the elliptical. No one is jamming out in their cars to this stuff. I can think of a few crossover records—Art is a Technology by Anthony Rother, Foley Room by Amon Tobin, some others—and those stand out as prime examples of art-electro, yet still totally jam-out-able.

Curtis Roads is a pioneer in granular synthesis, a type of synthesis involving incredibly tiny chunks of sound. In the videos below, he discusses the current Golden Age of electronic music production, microsound composition, and a bunch of other pretty heady, pretty geeky things that you might or might not enjoy, but that I think is excellent. You don’t have to be a synthesis geek to get something out of what Curtis is saying here. I think there’s plenty of inspiration—musician, painter, writer, whatever—to go around.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Sometimes I think back on the days when all I really worried about was where and how I was going to get enough cans of beer to last me through the weekend and I wonder if that might have been as good as it is ever going to get. It’s very depressing to think that, perhaps, I’ve already peaked. At least there are certain things that will always bring me back, no matter how annoyed I am with myself. Here is one.

There is a reason I still love heavy metal so much when most of my friends who were into it with me have outgrown it.

Hate Eternal I, Monarch – Reissue!


I, Monarch was my first Hate Eternal record. I bought it on a whim and never regretted it. I recommended it to my brother Charlie, and even sent him a copy, but it took two years and another Hate Eternal record for him to finally get into them.

He’s an idiot.* They’re too awesome for words.

I’ve posted a Hate Eternal video here before, but it can’t hurt to do it again.

If you haven’t yet heard or own I, Monarch, now is the perfect time to pick it up since it’s been reissued with a second disc with live versions of the record on DVD. Pretty rad. Everything Erik Rutan touches these days turns to gold and it’s pretty easy to see (hear?) why. I mean, listen to this band. They are fucking awesome. And when you are done with I, Monarch, go out and pick up their most recent record, the superior Fury & Flames. Rutan is also responsible for the production of countless other solid metal records in the last few years. I bet if you spend a little time reading through the liner notes of your metal collection, you’ll be surprised how often you find his name in there.

You DO have the liner notes, don’t you? If not, here’s a more or less complete list of his credits.

Hate Eternal I, Monarch @

*Not really. He’s good.

Elektronik Supersonik

My friend JJ sent me an e-mail with the subject “Best video ever.” that said:

Joe this will be your theme video for the blacklaser.

JJ was absolutely right. Of course, the video and song are nothing new to me. But that does not make JJ wrong, just late to the party a little (you are strong and handsome, JJ).

In case, for whatever reason, you’ve never seen the video for Elektronik Supersonik, here it is.

It contains all the things that make my life wonderful: lasers, science fiction, synthesizer music, bad English, mullets, pink hair, Eastern European crap, space flight, cheesy video effects, sexual innuendo—the list goes on and on.

Zlad, a fictional pop music star from the also-fictional Molvania, went on to star in a second video called “I am the Anti-Pope”

I think the second video, while certainly higher in the blasphemy department, isn’t quite as good as the first. Elektronik Supersonik is special, zany and lo-fi just before zany and lo-fi became the cool thing to do. I approve.


Two French-as-hell videos for this cold Saturday

This first is a video sent to me ages ago by my brother Charlie. It is a beautifully animated video for the song “Le Café” by the French group Oldelaf. I don’t know anything about the band, but the video is super awesome and unbelievably French.

Here is the video on YouTube with subtitles. Oldelaf – le Café (english subtitles)

The other video is a short animated film by Paris-based studio Passion Paris which I encountered on BoingBoing. It deals with the impending end of the world in 2012. Scary stuff. Also beautifully animated and possessing of a biting sense of humor.


Zombie Zombie + John Carpenter = Awesome

Zombie Zombie is a horror-inspired French electro duo. Listening to a few of their tracks, it’s obvious that old school horror soundtracks are a primary creative source for them. So it is no surprise that someone made this fucking awesome video recreating John Carpenter’s The Thing with MOTHERFUCKING GI JOES.

They have a record called A Land for Renegades that came out last year. I need it so bad. Analog zombie disco? I NEED IT SO BAD. God, it’s like God reached into my brain and pulled out everything I love and made it into two motherfucking French guys. What the fuck?!

Here’s their trailer. The performance in it reminds me of this live Kraftwerk performance of “Ruckzuck” on German TV in 1970, but with an obviously more modern, darker, more aggressive air. Calling on the Masters of Electronic Music like that, unwittingly no doubt, bodes well.

Too awesome.
