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Posts published in “Thoughts”

Lasers and Ken Nordine.

Have you ever seen something so perfect that you weren’t sure if you were still alive? As if, perhaps, a small sliver of heaven had come down to you and blessed you with visions of the Divine? The voice of God whispering sweet nothings into your ear? Then you have an idea how I felt when I saw these ads ( ! —I know) featuring not only lasers but Ken Nordine, the sweetest voice to ever grace my ears. Why don’t people make ads like this anymore? Were the late 70s so intense that this sort of thing flew, but we couldn’t possibly handle it now? I think it’s high time to bring lasers back into advertising.

They were made by Robert Abel & Associates, who also had a hand in Tron. Why did this company ever fold? I understand that Robert Abel passed away, but could not this beautiful laser motif have continued into the present day? I think it is quite clear to ANYONE reading this site that I love bright, gaudy design. If anything, these ads make me realize that I don’t have nearly enough lasery goodness on this site. I need grids! I need laser beams! I need more glows! I need explosions! BOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!

Do not fear, fearless readers, the laser style has not died. It’s just gone underground. Here is the proof.

Sweet. More lasers for everyone!

A tad more New Year’s goodness

Auld Lang Syne on the theremin.

I hereby propose an addition to the popular lexicon— “thereminist face”. Everyone is (or should be) familiar with the concept of “drummer face”, that is, the often ridiculous face a drummer makes while playing the drums. Every drummer has a drummer face, and each face is unique. Thomas Grillo shows us that thereminists too have a face they make. Thomas’s is quite subdued, focused, serious. But with the way his eyes glaze over, it is clear that he is focused on the moment, hitting the fierce jams on his travel Theremin.

Happy New Year.

I hope all of you had a festive, safe New Year’s Eve celebration last night and that you aren’t feeling it too hard today. I spent it with Juli at a friend’s house and today I am enjoying the tail end of the Sci-Fi Channel New Year’s Eve Twilight Zone marathon. What can I say? I’m a sucker for the Twilight Zone. It’s a tradition.

In case you missed the old post, today begins The Year of 5000 Photos and 50 Short Stories, so keep your eyes peeled for more solid content here in the coming year.

Good luck, and I hope your first coffee of 2009 was as nice as mine.

The Black Laser Mailing List

For all my non-RSS enlightened admirers out there in Cyberspace, I’ve added a mailing list to The Black Laser which will update you, via e-mail, every single time I feel fit to bless the interwebs with my wit and wisdom. Isn’t that just great?

I’ve placed an entry box permanently (well, as permanently as I can, since, really, what is permanent? Nothing.) in the sidebar to the right. See it? It’s a little box with two options beneath for subscribing and unsubscribing. Fun!

And, in case you can’t bear to shift your eyes slightly to the right from this mind-blowing, heart-rending prose, I’m putting one in this post too.


For those of you firmly embedded in the now, here’s an RSS feed if you’ve missed it.

The Black Laser RSS

Daily routine

I am not a daily routine kind of person. I wish I was. I would love to learn how to have that sort of discipline. I’m sure I would get more done. Unfortunately, flying by the seat of my pants has worked out well enough for me so far that I have no great pressing reason to change, no matter how much my brain knows it’s a good idea to approach my work with a more regimented schedule. It’s kind of stressful knowing that I would be better off having a work schedule, but not having the discipline to enact it for longer than a few weeks at the most. Where does one learn this skill of self-discipline? Is it something inate? If that’s the case, I’m fucked. I’ve never been a good self-motivator and I am too easily distracted by whatever the hell is going on around me. Even right now, I’ve written, what?, eight sentences?, and already I want to get up and walk around and blah blah blah blah. What’s that shit about?

If it’s not innate, where can I learn it? Again, my history of getting by winging it about 95% of the time doesn’t help at all. Winging it is great when I have to fix the Avid or cut together an animatic for clients, but not so great for more serious work. I’ve got this built in perception that if I can’t nail it right away, that’s it’s either a) fucked or b) a shitty idea to begin with. Neither of those are very helpful for seeing something through to the end. How do I unlearn that unconscious tendency? How do I learn to feel good about the work I do so I can stand behind it and continue until it be thoroughly finished? I am always impressed with my friend Jesse who has this seemingly limitless capacity for sitting down and just hacking through what needs to be hacked through like a champion. It has certainly paid off for him thus far. Where the hell do I learn that shit?

This is something I think about a lot. It’s probably my major struggle as a creative person—how do I continue to create when I already have a fairly full schedule? How can I be a creative person? How can I be a productive person? How can I produce? Oh how these questions taunt me! I had it going for a minute earlier this month, but it’s lapsed again. I need to figure out how to get it going for longer than a week or two.

If you, humble reader, are like me, then it will be inspiring to you to read about other creative people and how they schedule themselves to create. Daily Routines – How writers, artists, and other interesting people organize their days. I really like Saul Bellow and Ingmar Bergman’s routines.

A list of things that DO and DO NOT combine well

Here are some things I think mix well.

  • Brown gravy and cranberry sauce.
  • Tater tots and honey roasted peanuts.
  • Grind and electro.
  • Sopressata and goat cheese.

Here are some things I think mix poorly.

  • Genitals and zippers.
  • Yams and marshmallows.

Expect further updates to this list in the future.

On a completely unrelated note, here is a photo of me from just a moment ago. I am wearing Sue’s amazing Christmas sweater.
