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Posts published in April 2009

Land’s End & Sutro Baths – 2/24/2009

Juli and I went for a walk along Land’s End to the Sutro Baths while we were in California. It was a beautiful day, fresh and clean after heavy rains the day before. Also, if you find yourself at the Sutro Bath’s and hungry, go to Louis’s and get a chili burger. Though you’ll expect to get a burger with chili on, what you’ll get is chili with a burger underneath it. Wicked.

Here’s the gallery: Land’s End & Sutro Baths Gallery

Here are some of my favorites.

Kicking it with one aspect of my family – 2/22/2009

I was hanging out with Mike and Leah and Charlie and Juli and Sienna at Mike and Leah’s house and I decided to shoot some photos of my little niece. She is adorable, right? YOU HAD BETTER SAY YES.

Here are a few nice’ns, including a rare group shot of me and Juli.

Here are the rest – Kicking it with one aspect of my family Gallery – 2/22/2009

Portola Valley – 2/16/2009

Here’s some photos I shot while hanging out at my mom’s when I was in California. Nothing serious. There were more from this day, but they sucked BALLS, so I’m not going to share them. I shot a few more days wandering around town, but I haven’t had time to clean those up yet, so look out for one or two more posts of PV shots. I will make a gallery of all three sets when I am done. Fun times!

As much as I love my superduper 5D Mk II, it really has a hard time with skies. I think it is really ugly when the blue channel clips and you get this band of cyan around the horizon just before it goes full white. It’s really hard to fix if you’re even half a stop over and ruined a number of my photos completely. They had some detail left in the high highlights, but because the blue channel was clipped so far beyond the red or green channels, they photos were basically worthless. Ruined.

Maybe I’m being too picky, but I don’t think so. I have no problem with the idiosyncrasies of optics or noise in high ISO shots, but when I know highlight exposure can be and has been done better, I get a little frustrated. I envision one thing when I take the shot, and then another, worse thing is revealed when I try to make it look nice. It’s a characteristic of digital capture, true of audio and images alike, that once you hit the peak value the level clips HARD, resulting in noise and crud that no one likes.

It makes me long for the soft, organic clipping of highlights in a film exposure. One day we’ll have digital exposures where the high end rolls off smoothly like it has for the last hundred years on film, but we’re not there yet. I will post some examples of the bad clipping when I get home, but it almost makes me too mad to think. RAGE!

At least I got a handful of photos I liked from this day. The next two days of shooting were much more successful, so expect a better selection there.

02 – Darkness Wails

The cave stretched out dark and long ahead of the little band of travelers now irretrievably lost.  The light of their torch sputtered and wavered in the unearthly gusts rising from deep within the ground.  The bottom of the cave was slick with bat guano, moisture, and some slimy substance they tried not to think too much about.  Death sat heavy in the hot dark air around them, suffocating, threatening.  And then from behind them came an unnatural wail that drove itself through their heads, scraping at the fragile walls of their slipping sanity.  

“What was that?” one asked.  

“The wind?” another answered.

“It must be.”

“The wind.  It must be.”

They knew that it was not the wind.  They waited to hear if the wail would come again, but it did not.  They continued their trek through the sweltering shadows toward the perceived source of the wind.  The wind must signal a way out of this pit, they had reasoned.  Where the air moved they would find their salvation.  Where the air moved there was life.  

Brilliantly miserable science fair entries

I was in a few science fairs in my day, and I’m pretty sure I fucked up every entry I made. I blame not giving a shit. Oh well. Can’t change the past. So It warms my heart to know that the spirit of “Why am I doing this stupid crap?” is still alive and well in the youth of today.

41 Hilarious Science Fair Experiments.

This is old, but worth sharing. Here are some of my favorites.




Moon Babies? For serious? Too great. I foresee Moon Babies in the future of The Black Laser.