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Posts tagged as “Nile”

Nile’s “Enduring the Molestation of the Wicked”

Oh, come on, Nile. I really want to like this, and I think that the record you released this year, At The Gate of Sethu, was the most interesting work you’ve done in years. Rather than your typical wall of blast beats, the album featured bits of groove. Sure, you’re not as groove-y as, say, Protest the Hero, but it was a big improvement for you, Nile. I was proud to hear that you were progressing beyond the click click click of standard tech-death.

But this? This is beyond boring. I’ve had the video sitting in an open tab for a week waiting for a moment to get to it and when I finally did, I nearly fell asleep. No hyperbole, I nearly fell asleep for a million years. To death metal. I love death metal. Oh, Nile.

I guess I’ll just have to go back to Ihsahn’s ear-splitting saxophone solos on Eremita.