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Posts tagged as “My Work”

The Attic

The ceiling collapse was the first thing that put a damper in Dave’s day. Michael and Greg’s master bedroom was a disaster. Crumbled drywall and fiberglass insulation covered the room in a damp-smelling blanket. Maybe a leak in the roof? What he knew was that this was going to be an expensive repair.

The second thing that put a damper in Dave’s day was the human bones spilling from a trunk that had fallen through the ceiling when it collapsed. The impact had forced the box open, revealing its ghastly contents. If it had been stored just a few feet over, it might have landed on the mattress and not opened, maintaining its diabolical secret. But, it had fallen through, hit a dresser, busted open, and spread bones all over the floor.

Mountain Dew – Drone Hunting

At the end of last year, I cut this spot with some cool dudes from BBDO here at Wax and it was just finally released. It’s the moving, emotional story of a bunch of kids chasing a tiny helicopter with nets. It was a fun challenge to cut something fairly different than my usual comedy work and I think it came out pretty cool.

If you are a lover of motorbikes, teeny helicopters, Chile, dust, Mountain Dew, nets, trees, grass, or all or none of those things, check out the spot and enjoy the hell out of it.

GoGurt Garage with Bob Vila 2 – Brodie Smith

Bob Vila is back. This time he’s endorsing GoGurt with Brodie Smith, of Youtube Frisbee-trick fame. It’s pretty awesome this time around, too. Give it a watch and then be sure to tell me how funny and handsome I am for editing this magnificent piece of content.


Jerry Rice and Shannon Sharpe Party Fail Study

Remember when Joe Flacco threw a party? Well, the good folks at TracyLocke and I are back with the sequel, this time starring Hall-of-Famers Jerry Rice and Shannon Sharpe. Football!!!!

It’s funny! We did a good job! Jerry Rice is bad at virtual reality!

Go watch it. Enjoy it. Tell your friends. Share the link. Make it super popular like the last one—Joe Flacco has 12.5 million views as of this writing—and help keep The Black Laser alive* by helping me continue to have a job**! Cool!

* The Black Laser is in no trouble of disappearing.
** I am not at risk of losing my job.

GoGurt Garage with Bob Vila 1 – The Slow Mo Guys

Guys! I did more work! I am literally working all the time! I never stop! EVER!

So, I did this funny video with some folks at Saatchi NY for GoGurt’s GoGurt Garage promo. It stars Bob Vila, the world’s second most famous Cuban, and the Slow Mo Guys, a couple of English guys with a slow motion camera who like to destroy stuff, as they try and empty out tubes of GoGurt. It’s messy. There are explosions. And power tools. You should watch it.

Here’s the trailer I cut for it:

And here is the video The Slow Mo Guys created for the project:

If you are a crafty teenager, go enter the contest and win one of the awesome trophies. They are pretty awesome and ridiculous.

Hamburger Hummus: Episode 7 “#BLESSED Day Ever”

“#BLESSED Day Ever” is the seventh and final film in the Hamburger Hummus septology. We follow Judy through Jerusalem as she seeks to connect with her spiritual side. Also, Deedra is hungover. Batman!

Now that you’ve seen all the films, which was your favorite? Did you have as much fun watching as I had editing them? I bet you did. And if you didn’t just keep it to yourself. No one wants your negativity here.