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Posts tagged as “Music video”

Die Antwoord’s “Baby’s On Fire”

Note: you’re going to have to login to Yotubes to watch this video.

Die Antwoord are back with their unending celebration of weirdness and the depravity of the human condition. Videos like this make me happy that Die Antwoord decided to split with Interscope and retain creative control of their work. It is so good. Totally worth signing in to watch.

And, if you’re a total vinyl geek like me, check out their current record at Insound. Ten$ion.

Breakbot’s “Fantasy”

God damn. Remember Breakbot and their awesome watercolor music video? Yeah, me too. Anyway this video came out last October but I have missed it until now. Charles was telling me earlier about the new Breakbot single coming out today and then I stumbled on this gem.

Why isn’t there a Breakbot album yet? “Baby I’m Yours” came out like two years ago, was awesome, and then nothing. What’s that about? Breakbot! Put down the baguette and finish the fucking record already, all right?

Hot Chip’s “Night & Day”

I am glad to see Hot Chip working with Peter Serafinowicz again. The last video they did together was awesome and weird and dissonant and perfect. When I saw this one pop up, I had my hopes up that it would be more of the same weirdness. I was not disappointed. We’ve got dancing monks, Reggie Watts, some space blonde, libraries, and god damned General Zod.

Why is General Zod here? WHO CARES.


Iasos playing “Splash Happy” on 2 keyboards


Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. WHOA.

I want to say mean things about Iasos here (because I am an asshole), but I found myself smiling through this whole video. It’s so good! Can you honestly tell me, The Black Fucking Laser, that you didn’t smile as he looked into the camera and beamed while rocking out to his “tropical dance” music? Can you really tell me that without being a liar?

This comment on the video is super great too.

I can feel the intensity of your joy filling my heart and your playful music elevating my spirit!

Your smile went on to beam like a thousand stars……

Thank you

“Great fun!”

Thanks, Nina!

Death Grips’ “Hustle Bones”

Hell yes, I didn’t know there was a new Death Grips record! I loved last year’s Ex Military and I’m pretty surprised to see a follow up so quickly. I felt like their first record just came out of nowhere, grabbed you by the face, hatefucked your brain, and then sat back to have a smoke, super content with itself. This track from their new record The Money Store suggests that their approach to your brain has stayed more or less the same.

Enjoy! Be pummeled!