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Posts tagged as “Moon”

Moon – hottest SF film of 2009? Dork boner?


Moon trailer

There’s something I find incredibly exciting about this trailer. Maybe it’s the science fiction dork within me. Maybe it’s that Sam Rockwell is awesome. Maybe its that this movie is actually going to be awesome and I have great taste. Regardless, I am excited.

Granted, the whole “Tyler Durden in space” thing is not new (Solaris, anyone?), but I won’t begrudge a movie for appropriating themes if they do them in an interesting new way. Blade Runner was a film noir. Seven Samurai was a western. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past is the romcom version of A Christmas Carol. I mean, if it works, it works.

I guess we’ll see come June 12th if I am right (I am) or not. I am right. Also, doesn’t the new Star Trek look awesome?