You’ll remember a few days ago that my friends Charles and Matt came out with their Better Names for Baby book. Well they’ve been getting some decent press across the old interwebs and I thought it worth sharing with you.
The first, and best, was when they were featured at Boing Boing.
Appropriately, the readership of Boing Boing got the joke and overall people were pretty positive about the book. And why shouldn’t they be? It’s hilarious. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for other sites.
From Church Crunch:
It looks like the author of the post didn’t even bother to read the book at all, but one of the commenters did.
AAAANnnnddd clearly he didn’t get it at all. Oops!
They got a similar reaction to this post about the book from The Bump:
Though the author of the post gets it, some of the commenters seem a little lost.
It was also posted about on the CH Runners forum. The initial post is right on, but some of the comments are damn strange.
…and then they get weird.
Well maybe it’s just that one dude. Overall, the rest of the commenters got it. And then Charles chimed in.
A couple months ago at a screening of The Frontiersman’s Wife, a film I edited, I shocked myself by heckling my own film It was then I realized I am an inveterate heckler to the point that even my own work is not safe from my snarky commentary. Charles is the internet version of that trolling a thread about his work. Hilarious.
If you haven’t yet bought a copy, do. Better Names for Baby.