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Posts tagged as “Look At This Fucking Hipster”

Look At This Fucking Hipster

If you’re anything like me, you were sent the new hot shit site of the current internet femtosecond, Look At This Fucking Hipster. It seems like everyone I know who spends their whole day at a computer with web access finds these things within a day or two of each other. The weird part is that they’re not sending them to each other; the sites are encountered randomly. Weird. Of course, it’s another Tumblr site which is great for people setting up random sites that they don’t need to pay for or configure or think about. Tumblr is basically like the ultimate user-curated collection of random internet bullshit, some of it is good, some of it is boring. Look At This Fucking Hipster is pretty funny. I especially like the captions, which betray the fact that the author has quite an in-depth knowledge of the modern Hipster lifestyle.

This one made me laugh aloud.

“Taste this. It’s wine I made out of bugs.”
“Taste this. It’s wine I made out of bugs.”

I don’t know WHY I think it’s so funny. I just do. Deal.

I have a problem with at least one post on the site though. This one. Uh, guys? I’m pretty sure those aren’t hipsters; I’m pretty sure they’re gays. Regardless, they look like they’re having a good time.