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Posts tagged as “HP Lovecraft”

The Black Laser Reads: Episode 8 – “The Colour Out of Space” by HP Lovecraft

Our good old, problematic boy HP Lovecraft is back on this episode of The Black Laser Reads. This time we’ll be reading “The Colour Out of Space” which was originally published in March, 1927.

It’s a bright, cheery story about a New England farmer slowly watching his home, his family, and the world around him slowly decay to ash and madness as he is utterly powerless to resist. It really sings to my own current existential dread due to my inability to care for my family. Very close to home! Very stressful! Except I don’t have a nightmare outer space meteorite to blame.


The text for this episode came from Standard eBooks. If you are interested in reading “The Colour Out of Space” which is found in Short Fiction yourself, you can download a public domain e-book here.

Next time on The Black Laser Reads: something new to the public domain in 2025.

The Black Laser Reads: Episode 4 – Dagon by HP Lovecraft

On this episode of The Black Laser Reads we feature the short story Dagon by everyone’s favorite problematic weirdo, HP Lovecraft.

Content warning: Suicide.

This is a classic Lovecraftian story where not very much happens but for some reason the narrator grapples with maintaining his sanity. Really. Dude wakes up on a muddy plane covered in rotting fish, finds a rock that’s carved with fish people, and sees a giant fish monster climbing around. He wakes up in San Francisco and decides to end it.

That’s it!

Light weight, overall, but important for introducing the fish people who would become so important in later Cthulhu mythos tales like Lovercraft’s later The Shadow Over Innsmouth. We’ll get to that one another day. Ultimately, like most of Lovecraft’s work, this story is about the vibe.

Please listen and enjoy, unless you value your sanity.

The text for this episode came from Standard Ebooks. If you are interested in reading “Dagon” or other Lovecraft short fiction yourself, you can download a public domain e-book here.

In search of good Horror Fiction

I’ve read Stephen King.

I’ve read Shirley Jackson.

I’ve read Clive Barker.

I’ve read Lovecraft and Poe and Shelley and Stoker and Matheson and Staub and Rice.

I’ve read a mountain of horror fiction and seen hundreds of horror films, but I feel like I am still missing out.

Stephen King is great, but his books aren’t scary. Clive Barker is inventive and gory, but I feel like sometimes he is better in films where he can drive his ideas with visuals. Joe Hill is writing some incredibly smart, fast-paced horror fiction, but I’ve read all his books. Shirley Jackson wore the Victorian-Horror-In-The-1950s crown, but she’s not producing new work. Lovecraft set the tone for thousands of writers to follow, even if he has some real problematic race ideas in his writing.

So. Who is out there writing our era’s great horror fiction? Who is creating terrifying new worlds and driving people insane? Who is haunting the manor halls with the unjustly dead? Who is condemning the souls of the greedy to eternal torment? Who am I missing? Someone must be doing all this, right?

Give me some ideas in the comments.

Photo by W A T A R I on Unsplash