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In honor of the passing of Dr. Kevorkian, here’s some Acid Bath

Jack Kevorkian died yesterday at the age of 83. You all know who he was: the infamous Dr. Death, proponent of assisted suicide, inventor of the suicide machine, and… a painter and jazz musician? Yup. He painted some grotesque, disturbing works in his day. And released a jazz flute record.

What you might not know if that the painting above on Acid Bath’s 1996 metal masterpiece Paegan Terrorism Tactics is a painting by Kevorkian called “For He Is Raised.” If any of you love me, you’ll follow that link and get me a print. Really.

In honor of the passing of a man who I think genuinely helped those in need, here are a few of my favorite tracks from Paegan Terrorism Tactics.

[audio:|titles=Bleed Me An Ocean|artists=Acid Bath] [audio:|titles=Locust Spawning|artists=Acid Bath] [audio:|titles=Venus Blue|artists=Acid Bath] [audio:|titles=Dead Girl|artists=Acid Bath]

Enjoy. I had a very hard time picking just four songs to share with you. Paegan Terrorism Tactics is easily one of my all-time favorite metal albums.

One Comment

  1. SickOfThisCrap SickOfThisCrap June 3, 2021

    Uuugh… leave it to the metal meatheads to confuse Paganism with Left Hand Path bullshit, the first wanting nothing to do with the last.

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