¡Watch the whole thing! The real magic is at the very end…
Can humans eat things like this and not just keel over dead? Is Paula Dean secretly a machine from the far reaches of outer space whose nuclear reactor core runs on sugars and fats? Is she plotting to conquer the Earth and enslave us all to work her butter mines on distant planets? Am I becoming increasingly neurotic since the revelation of this whole doppelgänger thing?!
Now that’s a fuggin’ meal!
Appalling, I think not! “Intrigued” would not even begin to describe the heavenly concoction Paula has so interestingly created. Let us recap, please? Hamburger, bacon, egg, and donut. Pardon me, make that donuts- not 1- but 2… It’s as though gluttony has taken human form and has given the earth the greatest gift of all; life being runner up (sorry god-this burger has got you beat). Is it wrong to salivate at such a sight? Can dreams really come true? Perhaps gluttony has won me over…I think I can die now.