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Posts published in November 2008

The Ferret


The Ferret—he insisted on being called The Ferret, having eschewed the name his mother gave him except when at work or within his professional life that fucking bitch—dug through the garbage can in the Union Square McDonalds looking for Monopoly pieces on discarded fry cartons and soda cups and big mac wrappers to complete his collection and win the money car trip thing that was the grand prize.  In his pocket he had three of the four railroads, a Baltic thing, some Pennsylvanias, maybe a Lightworks and a Broadway.  The piece he really needed was Park Place, but the chances of that happening were slim at best.  He knew that.  He’d accepted it.  Yet his dream burned brighter than ever before.

A few notes on the layout…

You’ll notice that I am using a truly delightful stock theme. I intended originally to use something unique, but designing a website that looks awesome and functions correctly is fairly low on my priority list these days. Yet, I wanted to get The Black Laser up and running so that I could use it as a sort of sketchpad to get my brain running while I get stuck in a writing hole. With that in mind, I settled on the most attractive theme I could find and will make something later, probably when time frees up after the holidays. Or around the holidays depending on what the future brings and if I can manage to blast out 20 to 25 pages of sparkling, warm, cynical, magical, wondrous prose by then. You never know. Maybe—just maybe—I will stumble into the most productive period of my life, spewing forth such prose and quality of thought as I never before. More likely though, I will struggle to finish right up to the deadline, as is my wont. Some patterns you just can’t fuck with.

Nevertheless, stay tuned (that is a TV/radio metaphor, not a stringed instrument one). Good things are to come to The Black Laser, the darkest, most devastatingest laser in the universe.

The inaugural posting at The Black

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’m not sure if this will be a lively place or not, but at the very least I will have a place to post whatever random crap I am thinking about. I imagine that this is all very interesting to you, noble reader, so I promise to keep these things moving briskly. Oh, what fun!

Maybe, one day, we can occupy a thriving, bustling iWorld, but until then it’s just my ramblings and nonsense. Come back for more!