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Christian Mistress’ “Pentagram and Crucifix”

I gambled recently and pre-ordered the LP of Christian Mistress’ new album Possession based on some sample tracks I’d heard online. It arrived a week or so ago and it is pretty amazing. I am really into this whole throw-back, female-lead-singer metal thing that’s happening right now. As much as I like me some face-melting grindcore and black metal, sometimes you just want punchy, no bullshit, Sabbath-y riffs with a lady wailing on top. Who doesn’t like that? Bands like Christian Mistress, Blood Ceremony, and Witch Mountain are really scratching an inch for me that I had no idea existed. I am glad, however, that it was called to my attention. Scratch me! That so many of these bands come from the Pacific Northwest can’t be a coincidence either. Time for a roadtrip!

Even the video for this song, the first off their new record, is a throw-back. It looks like it was shot in 16mm black and white reversal, a format all my other film school graduate friends will have fond memories of working with. The song is awesome too. Perhaps not the best example of what singer Christine Davis can do when she’s really pushing her voice (listen to “Black To Gold” instead), the song still serves as a perfect example of what Christian Mistress is about on Possession: riffs, guitar interplay, driving beats, and a powerful female lead. If you don’t like this track, you won’t like the record. But, what’s not to like about this track?

Check out their Bandcamp. Christian Mistress.

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