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Dear CSS, fuck yourself.

Must we go through this same, tired old song and dance every time I start to work on a website? Must we?! No one would ever call me “computer illiterate,” but there is just something about writing code that can be so fucking frustrating sometimes. I think it should be doing what I want it to, yet it does not? Why? Do you hate me CSS? Do you hate me? I don’t know how Sean does this all the time. I would be angry at everyone day and night. I guess that’s why I didn’t major in computer science. When the Avid or Final Cut isn’t working, I know how to fix that. When a DigiBeta deck is being dumb, I generally know how to make that work too. When my camera is misbehaving, usually that’s just me being stupid. Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, blah blah blah, no problem. Rock and roll. I got it.

But code? Nope. No go. Sometimes it comes easily, but sometimes it does not. And shit, I’m not even coding crazy shit, just website stuff. Blows my mind. Kudos to you crazy folks who get it.

Regardless, it’s 1am now, so I’m going to call the website-making quits for the night and kill some fucking monsters on the 360 until I am ready to crash.

Off topic, I have a Twitter account now, but I’m not going to link it for you until I get a moment to write up my intentions for it. I’m treating it like a little art project, kind of how I deal with Facebook. More to come!

One Comment

  1. Hillary Martell Hillary Martell June 1, 2009

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been up at 1am thinking these exact same thoughts.

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