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Posts tagged as “House”

Toro Y Moi’s “How I Know”

Last night Nina sent me this video in the e-mails and asked if it reminded me of the film House. I replied that it is very clearly inspired by the psychedelic Japanese horror weirdness of House, especially obvious with the cartoony rotoscoping.

Basically, this music video is a funny tribute to a movie that I think everyone with half an ounce of taste should see. If you haven’t seen House (or in Japanese Hausu), get off your ass and do it. You can get the Blu-ray from Netflix, watch it streaming on Hulu Plus, or just buy the damned thing on Amazon. It’s that good. Imagine if Kwaidan ate an entire sheet of blotter acid and you pretty much have House. Doesn’t that sound enticing? I know it does. In fact, long time readers of this site have already seen bits of the film.

The only thing this video could have had to make it better is an animal portrait spewing blood.

Thanks, Neenerbeans!