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Posts published in September 2011

Justice’s “Civilization”

So, like, do you remember the other day when I was all, “Just has just released their first single from their new album!” Well, as it turns out, I was totally wrong. This song came out months ago, but somehow I missed it. Oops! I am failing you, my loyal readers!

The video features a bunch of CG buffalo and ruins in the desert and crap. It’s pretty neat. Everything falls apart and the buffalo run around and get smooshed by giant rocks. I feel like more music videos these days need to have buffalo running around getting smooshed by giant rocks. You just don’t get enough of that these days. It’s a shame.

The song itself is fine, I guess. The more I hear, the less excited I am about the album. It’s not bad, exactly, but it is really really boring.

Creative Projects-August: The Black Laser Gets Redesigned, or, Giving Advice To Those Who Don’t Want It

Another month, another series of successes! WOO WOO. I was able to successfully finish the redesign of The Black Laser which was long in coming. I am glad it is done. That was project 8.

I also debuted as Torgeir the Black Metal Extremist over at Vox Critica which is pretty sweet. Giving people advice they don’t want might be the most important thing a person can do for others and I am glad to be inflicting that trauma. Enjoy it. Torgeir was project 9.

You’ll also notice that the counter for this year so far is already at 11. That’s right. Nearly all the way there and only mid-way through September. It’s a far cry from earlier this year when I was struggling to get things done. Feels damned good.

On the other half of the tip, August was a pretty good, moderate month for me. Nothing terribly exciting to report there. The whole “Don’t Go Drinking During The Week By Yourself” thing is working out pretty well for me. Next up? “Don’t Go Drinking By Yourself At All.” Baby steps.

There’s a bunch of stuff to talk about during this month’s wrap up, but it will have to wait. Until then!

Justice’s “Audio, Video, Disco.”

Justice, the world’s second favorite French electro duo, are back with a video for their first new single in years, “Audio, Video, Disco.”, from their forthcoming record Audio, Video, Disco.

I am not sure I am in love with the track. I was initially drawn to Justice by their gritty electro take on Goblin. This new track lacks that same griminess, which is a little disappointing. Hopefully the rest of the album has punchier tracks. Justice has certainly taken at least one lesson from the world’s first favorite French electro duo: write one lyric and stick with it.

However! and a big however it is, this video is astounding. We’ve had a string of really cool music videos here on The Black Laser recently and this is just one more to add to the list. So Me’s seamless, faux-single take video is amazing. Ridiculously amazing. The amount of work that went into all the composites in this video blows my mind. And it’s beautifully shot to boot. Just great work.

Bodi Bill’s “What?”

Bodi Bill are back from the wilds of Germany with this lush, beautiful video for their track “What?” What? Oh, right, what.

Anyway, last time I described their sound like an Andrew Bird house record and I think that’s still a totally true—and complimentary—description of their sound. I am tempted to call this emotional dance music because it makes me want to move, but also makes me feel wistful and inspired and all sorts of things on this ugly, rainy New York day. The song is lovely and tranquil and makes me want to seek out their record. I am listening to it on Spotify right now and I am fighting the urge to buy it on vinyl. It’ll have to wait until I get paid again. It’s really good. Really really good. You should be listening to it. Do I need to go to three “really”s to convince you?

Thanks to Anton at Sinnbus for the heads up. This is great.

Toro Y Moi’s “How I Know”

Last night Nina sent me this video in the e-mails and asked if it reminded me of the film House. I replied that it is very clearly inspired by the psychedelic Japanese horror weirdness of House, especially obvious with the cartoony rotoscoping.

Basically, this music video is a funny tribute to a movie that I think everyone with half an ounce of taste should see. If you haven’t seen House (or in Japanese Hausu), get off your ass and do it. You can get the Blu-ray from Netflix, watch it streaming on Hulu Plus, or just buy the damned thing on Amazon. It’s that good. Imagine if Kwaidan ate an entire sheet of blotter acid and you pretty much have House. Doesn’t that sound enticing? I know it does. In fact, long time readers of this site have already seen bits of the film.

The only thing this video could have had to make it better is an animal portrait spewing blood.

Thanks, Neenerbeans! Fall Winter 2011-2012 Ad Campaign

First you must watch the utterly insipid inspiration here. Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

Now you can watch Sarah’s take on the video.

I think the best way to describe it is just to quote her description.

Snazzy and uncomfortable in her own crappy clothes, Sarah is ready to get drunk with her friends and maybe hook up with a dude, and hopefully remember it this time. Almost ready to go, she’s stares at you through the camera lense and intensely dances to the best song ever written.

